Chwi rai newynog tlawd nesewch

("Eto mae Lle")
Rhan II
Chwi rai newynog tlawd, nesewch, O amgylch drws Messeiah dewch, Gwrandewch ei lais a'i alwad e', Mae'r Iesu'n dweud fod etto le. Gwnewch frŷs eneidiau gwael di-gwŷn, Hwn ydyw dydd y 'fengyl fwyn; Pob peth a'ch geilw atto 'fe, Mae'r Iesu'n dweud fod etto le. Iesu a baratôdd y wledd, A'ch gwa'dd a'ch disgwyl i gael hedd; Derbyniwch 'nawr ei gynnig e', Tra fyddo'n dweud fod etto le. Pwy bynnag gredo ym Mab Duw, Yr enaid hwnnw byth fydd byw; Caiff wystl 'nawr o deyrnas ne', I bawb a ddêl mae etto le.
Dafydd Jones 1711-77

[Mesur: MH 8888]

  Rhan I - Llefwch genhadon Duw o hyd

("Still there is Room")
Part 2
Ye poor, starving ones, draw near, Around the door of the Messiah, come ye, Hear ye his voice and his call, Jesus says that still there is room. Make haste, ye poor souls, without complaint, This is the day of the dear gospel; Everything is calling you to him, Jesus says that still there is room. Jesus has prepared the feast, And invites you and expects you to get peace; Receive ye now his offer, While he says that still there is room. Whoever believes in the Son of God, That soul forever shall live; Shall get an earnest now of the kingdom of heaven, For everyone who comes still there is room.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
(Yet there is Room)
Ye naked, poor, oppressed, appear, Unto Messiah's door draw near: Obey the call, undoubting come, For Jesus saith there yet is room. Who doth on Jesus Christ believe, That favoured soul shall ever live; Shall taste below of joys to come, And Jesus saith there yet is room.
tr. 1854 Joseph Morris
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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